"The Radio Planet" by Ralph Milne Farley is a science fiction novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative centers around Myles Cabot, an earth man who, after receiving an SOS message from his wife, embarks on an adventurous journey to the planet Poros, where he encounters various alien races. The story blends elements of radio science and fantasy as it explores Cabot's attempts to navigate this unfamiliar world while grappling with his love for his wife and his newfound entanglements. At the start of the novel, the protagonist, Myles Cabot, reflects on a newspaper article about mysterious radio signals from Mars and recalls his friend, Myles Standish Cabot, who has been to Venus and returned. After a series of events, Myles learns about the potential messages being received, hinting at a plea from his wife, Princess Lilla, on Poros. The story transitions toward Cabot's realization of his imminent return to Poros, where he faces the remnants of an alien society, including the fearsome Formians, and sets the stage for a quest that intertwines with elements of survival and communication that rely on his knowledge of radio technology. The opening effectively lays down the groundwork for an exciting adventure filled with intrigue, danger, and the essence of human connection across vast distances. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Radio Planet
By Ralph Milne Farley
"The Radio Planet" by Ralph Milne Farley is a science fiction novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative centers around Myles Cabot, an ea...
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About the Author
Roger Sherman Hoar was an American state senator and assistant Attorney General, for the state of Massachusetts. He wrote and published science fiction under the pseudonym of Ralph Milne Farley.
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