"The Island House: A Tale for the Young Folks" by F. M. Holmes is a children's adventure novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the unexpected flooding of a house and the plight of its young inhabitants as they navigate various challenges during this crisis. With themes of bravery, resourcefulness, and the spirit of cooperation, it captures the essence of childhood adventure and the emotional bond between young characters and their caretaker. The narrative follows young Alfy and his nurse, Mansy, as they find themselves stranded in the Island House, surrounded by floodwaters after a reservoir burst. Alfy, resourceful and brave, attempts to ferry Mansy and himself to safety using a washing tub and later, a bath. As they strategize their survival, they encounter several obstacles, including an unwelcome visitor who adds tension to their situation. Ultimately, the story highlights the children's cleverness and teamwork as they rescue one another and secure provisions. The tale culminates in addressing the aftermath of the flood and the resilience exhibited by the characters, making it an engaging read for young audiences. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Island House: A Tale for the Young Folks
By F. M. (Frederic Morell) Holmes
"The Island House: A Tale for the Young Folks" by F. M. Holmes is a children's adventure novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves ar...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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