"Pirates" by Charles Johnson is a historical account written in the early 18th century. The book chronicles the lives and exploits of several notorious pirates from the late 17th to early 18th centuries, detailing their adventures, methods, and eventual downfalls. The focus is primarily on figures like Captain Avery, Captain Rackham, and Blackbeard, offering readers a glimpse into the dangerous and thrilling world of piracy during this tumultuous era. At the start of the account, the foreword sets the tone by reflecting on the romanticized image of pirates in popular culture versus the harsh reality of their lives and actions. The opening chapters introduce Captain Avery, detailing his troubled childhood and rise to infamy as a pirate. Avery's journey includes a dramatic mutiny that sees him seizing command of a ship, followed by numerous plunders across multiple seas, including encounters with wealthy trading vessels and conflicts with other pirates. The narrative hints at the darker aspects of these characters' lives, marking a clear distinction between the adventurous allure of piracy and the grim outcomes often faced by those who pursued this life. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Charles Johnson
"Pirates" by Charles Johnson is a historical account written in the early 18th century. The book chronicles the lives and exploits of several notoriou...
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About the Author
Captain Charles Johnson was the British author of the 1724 book A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the most notorious Pyrates, whose identity remains a mystery. No record exists of a captain by this name, and "Captain Charles Johnson" is generally considered a pen name for one of London's writer-publishers. Some scholars have suggested that the author was actually Daniel Defoe, but this is disputed.
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