"The Ranch of the Tombstones" by W. C. Tuttle is a complete novelette written in the mid-20th century. The story revolves around two cowboys, Hashknife Hartley and Sleepy Stevens, who are in search of work and end up tangled in a mix of intrigue surrounding a mysterious graveyard and a series of murders. Their encounters lead them to the Tombstone Ranch, where the sinister reputation of its owner, Amos Skelton, looms large over the locals. The opening portion introduces Hashknife and Sleepy as they ride to the Half-Moon Ranch, where they meet Mrs. Snow, the ranch's proprietor. She reveals the comic plight of her inept cook, Swede Sam, and the tumultuous relationship the community has with the infamous Amos Skelton. As tensions rise with the fate of a man named Quinin Quinn, who is found gravely injured, Hashknife and Sleepy become entangled in a web of deception, rivalry, and impending danger in their quest for jobs in the cattle country. The narrative establishes an atmosphere rich in humor, camaraderie, and suspense, setting the stage for the unfolding drama. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The ranch of the tombstones
By W. C. (Wilbur C.) Tuttle
"The Ranch of the Tombstones" by W. C. Tuttle is a complete novelette written in the mid-20th century. The story revolves around two cowboys, Hashknif...
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About the Author
W. C. Tuttle was an American writer who sold more than 1000 magazine stories and dozens of novels, almost all of which were westerns.
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