"The Crime Club" by W. Holt-White is a novel written in the early 20th century. The plot revolves around Captain Melun and Sir Paul Westerham, who find themselves embroiled in a complex web of crime, blackmail, and intrigue as they navigate their relationship with Lady Kathleen Carfax, the daughter of the Prime Minister of England. The novel presents a world of deception and moral ambiguity as characters grapple with their motives and the consequences of their actions. At the start of the narrative, Captain Melun confronts Sir Paul Westerham on board the "Gigantic", leading to a tense exchange that reveals their complicated pasts and ambitions. Sir Paul, having inherited immense wealth and a title, is determined to pursue Lady Kathleen, whom he has seen only in a picture. Meanwhile, Melun expresses his own desire to marry her, hinting at a darker intention. The ensuing dialogue exposes themes of blackmail and manipulation, setting the stage for the deeper conspiracies that will unfold as Sir Paul seeks to protect Lady Kathleen from the dangers tied to Melun and the secretive crime syndicate they are both drawn into. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Crime Club
By W. (William) Holt-White
"The Crime Club" by W. Holt-White is a novel written in the early 20th century. The plot revolves around Captain Melun and Sir Paul Westerham, who fin...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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