"Mr. Hogarth's Will" by Catherine Helen Spence is a novel written during the late 19th century. The story revolves around the lives of two orphaned sisters, Jane and Alice Melville, who are unexpectedly disinherited by their eccentric uncle, Mr. Hogarth, who instead leaves his fortune to an illegitimate son, Francis Ormistown. The narrative explores themes of gender, independence, and societal expectations in a rapidly changing world. The opening of the book presents the aftermath of Mr. Hogarth's funeral, where the sisters, still in mourning, are confronted with the shocking revelation of their uncle's will. As they grapple with the implications of their financial ruin and their uncle’s peculiar beliefs about women's independence, both Jane and Alice are thrust into uncertainty regarding their futures. Jane's determination to make her own way contrasts sharply with Alice's despair, setting the stage for their struggles and aspirations in a society that offers few options for women. As the story unfolds, we witness Jane's attempts to navigate various job opportunities while Alice seeks solace in her literary pursuits, hinting at their respective paths ahead. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Mr. Hogarth's Will
By Catherine Helen Spence
"Mr. Hogarth's Will" by Catherine Helen Spence is a novel written during the late 19th century. The story revolves around the lives of two orphaned si...
Catherine Helen Spence was a Scottish-born Australian author, teacher, journalist, politician, leading suffragist, and Georgist. Spence was also a minister of religion and social worker, and supporter of electoral proportional representation. In 1897 she became Australia's first female political candidate after standing (unsuccessfully) for the Federal Convention held in Adelaide. Called the "Greatest Australian Woman" by Miles Franklin and by the age of 80 dubbed the "Grand Old Woman of Australia", Spence was commemorated on the Australian five-dollar note issued for the Centenary of Federation of Australia.