"The Semantic War" by Bill Clothier is a science fiction novella written in the mid-20th century, specifically during the 1950s. This thought-provoking narrative examines the theme of communication and the chaos that can arise from misunderstandings, as manifested through a bizarre and violent conflict grounded in the enigmatic phrases "the Wistick dufels the Moraddy" and "the Moraddy dufels the Wistick." The book highlights how abstract concepts can galvanize groups and individuals to irrational extremes, leading to societal breakdown and personal tragedy. Set against the backdrop of a fragmented societal landscape, the story follows a philosophy professor who witnesses the disintegration of academic and social structures in the wake of this semantic conflict. As people divide themselves into factions based on their allegiance to one slogan or the other, relationships crumble, and violence ensues. The protagonist struggles with feelings of isolation and disillusionment as he tries to comprehend the absurdity of warfare prompted by mere words. Ultimately, he escapes to the mountains, wrestling with the question of which side, if any, possesses true merit amidst the devastation caused by their ideological battle. The narrative culminates in an exploration of meaning, fidelity, and the human condition in a world where language and its interpretations can lead to dire consequences. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Semantic War
By Bill Clothier
"The Semantic War" by Bill Clothier is a science fiction novella written in the mid-20th century, specifically during the 1950s. This thought-provokin...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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