"The Boy Aviators in Nicaragua; or, In League with the Insurgents" by Captain Wilbur Lawton is an adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows the young aviators, Frank and Harry Chester, as they embark on a journey to Nicaragua amidst a brewing revolution that threatens their father's banana plantation. The plot blends themes of aviation, excitement, and the challenges of war. The opening of the book introduces the dynamic young brothers, who are recognized as part of the "Boy Aviators" after their notable achievements in aviation back in New York. As they prepare to set sail for Central America on the steamer Aztec, they eagerly learn about the political upheaval occurring in Nicaragua, where insurgents are rising against the government. Their passion for flying and technology is evident as they bring their biplane, the Golden Eagle, along for further experiments with aerial communication. As they embrace their adventure, the stage is set for both thrilling exploits in aviation and encounters with the dangers of the revolution that looms over their journey. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Boy Aviators in Nicaragua; or, In League with the Insurgents
By John Henry Goldfrap
"The Boy Aviators in Nicaragua; or, In League with the Insurgents" by Captain Wilbur Lawton is an adventure novel written in the early 20th century. T...
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About the Author
John Henry Goldfrap was an English-born journalist and author of boys' books, participating in the "American series phenomenon". He always wrote under pseudonyms.
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