"The Bad Man: A Novel" by Charles Hanson Towne and Porter Emerson Browne is a fictional work written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds around Gilbert Jones, a young American rancher who has bravely ventured into a challenging frontier in Arizona, plagued by bandit threats and financial struggles. The narrative deals with themes of courage, love, and the quest for stability, while also touching upon the complications arising from relationships and unfulfilled dreams. At the start of the novel, Gilbert reflects on his bold decision to settle in Arizona, despite the myriad of difficulties he faces, including the looming threat of foreclosure on his ranch due to bandit raids and his financial misfortunes exacerbated by the Great War. The opening introduces his character and hints at a sense of community among ranchers dealing with the instability of their lives, including the encroachment of their neighbor Jasper Hardy, who harbors ambitions of taking over Gilbert's land. Additionally, the story begins to weave in relationships that may complicate the characters' lives, including Gilbert's past connection with Lucia Pell, the arrival of her husband Morgan Pell, and the dynamics between them all as tensions rise over property and emotional stakes. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Bad Man: A Novel
By Charles Hanson Towne
"The Bad Man: A Novel" by Charles Hanson Towne and Porter Emerson Browne is a fictional work written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds arou...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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