"Picturesque Quebec: A Sequel to Quebec Past and Present" by Sir J. M. Le Moine is a historical account written in the late 19th century. This volume serves as a continuation of the author's previous work, focusing on the rich history and notable landmarks of Quebec City, from its founding in the early 17th century through events that shaped its identity, particularly during colonial times. The book aims to detail various historical incidents, sights, and antiquities, providing a comprehensive look at the culture and legacy of Quebec. The opening of "Picturesque Quebec" introduces the reader to the enduring significance of the city and its strategic location along the St. Lawrence River. It reflects on the founding of Quebec by Samuel de Champlain and recounts the city's early interactions with Indigenous peoples, as well as the cultural and military challenges faced by the French settlers. Le Moine emphasizes the city's historical importance through vivid descriptions of its geographical features and the impressions left by various tourists and writers over the years, showcasing the blend of beauty and history that makes Quebec a unique locale in North America. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Picturesque Quebec : a sequel to Quebec past and present
By J. M. (James MacPherson) Le Moine
"Picturesque Quebec: A Sequel to Quebec Past and Present" by Sir J. M. Le Moine is a historical account written in the late 19th century. This volume ...
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About the Author
Sir James MacPherson Le Moine was a Canadian author and barrister.
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