"A Madcap Cruise" by Oric Bates is a novel written in the early 20th century. It narrates the adventurous escapades of two young men, Jerrold Taberman and John Castleport, who embark on a daring and impulsive sea voyage aboard a yacht named the Merle. The crux of the story revolves around their quest for adventure as they seek to assert their independence, explore new horizons, and perhaps navigate complicated backstories involving familial expectations and romantic interests. The opening of the book introduces us to the setting on a picturesque jetty overlooking East Penobscot Bay, where Taberman and Castleport exchange light-hearted banter as they prepare for their cruise. Castleport is characterized as thoughtful and earnest, while Taberman brings a jovial and carefree spirit to their dynamic. As they discuss their plans, readers glean both the excitement and the underlying tension of their scheme, which involves taking the Merle on an unsanctioned journey across the Atlantic, amidst hints of a deeper personal conflict regarding Castleport's relationship with a girl named Katrine Marchfield and the disapproval of his uncle, a powerful figure. Through vivid imagery and clever dialogue, the narrative sets the stage for their impending adventure, promising a blend of humor, peril, and youthful exuberance as they set sail into the unknown. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Madcap Cruise
By Oric Bates
"A Madcap Cruise" by Oric Bates is a novel written in the early 20th century. It narrates the adventurous escapades of two young men, Jerrold Taberman...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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