"Men of Affairs" by Roland Pertwee is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows Richard Frencham Altar, who finds himself cast into financial ruin after his father's extravagant lifestyle leads to bankruptcy and disgrace. With a remarkable blend of humor and poignancy, Altar must navigate the difficulties of poverty and the pursuit of self-worth in a world that has changed drastically since his privileged upbringing. The opening of the book introduces us to Richard as he pawns the remnants of his former life, including expensive clothes and personal belongings. He grapples with memories of his past engagement to Doreen, revealing disillusionment with love and the naivety of his hopes for a future as a gentleman. The narrative captures his transition from a life of luxury to the harsh realities of homelessness, as he contemplates his situation with both wit and resignation. Meanwhile, Richard’s chance encounter with a local constable hints at the potential for new adventures, setting the stage for a tale of resilience and self-discovery amidst life's uncertainties. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Men of Affairs
By Roland Pertwee
"Men of Affairs" by Roland Pertwee is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows Richard Frencham Altar, who finds himself cast into...
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About the Author
Roland Pertwee was an English playwright, film and television screenwriter, director and actor. He was the father of Doctor Who actor Jon Pertwee and playwright and screenwriter Michael Pertwee. He was also the second cousin of actor Bill Pertwee and grandfather of actors Sean Pertwee and Dariel Pertwee.
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