"The Ice Queen" by Ernest Ingersoll is a novel written in the late 19th century. The narrative focuses on the adventures of three siblings—Aleck, Kate, and Jimkin (referred to as The Youngster)—as they face both the challenges of their past and the uncertainties of a difficult winter journey. The story centers on their resourcefulness and determination as they attempt to skate from their home to Cleveland, navigating through icy terrains. At the start of "The Ice Queen," we are introduced to the siblings as they return home from a skating trip that had brought them joy amidst the backdrop of their struggles as orphans. Following the tragic loss of their parents, they’ve learned to support each other in their small cottage. Their lives take a turn when a fire at Aleck's workplace leaves them financially vulnerable, prompting a decision to embark on a skating expedition to visit their uncle. The opening sets a tone of adventure and teamwork, as well as hints at the difficulties and dangers they will face on their journey. The dynamic between the siblings is lively and supportive, showcasing their youthful optimism even in the face of adversity. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Ice Queen
By Ernest Ingersoll
"The Ice Queen" by Ernest Ingersoll is a novel written in the late 19th century. The narrative focuses on the adventures of three siblings—Aleck, Kate...
Ernest Ingersoll was an American naturalist, writer and explorer.
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