"Kit of Greenacre Farm" by Izola L. Forrester is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around a young girl named Kit Robbins, who takes on the responsibility of keeping watch over a huckleberry patch on her family's farm. As she embarks on her mission, she encounters a series of misadventures, including apprehending a berry thief that turns out to be a visiting fruit expert. This humorous twist sets the tone for Kit's character: an adventurous, spirited girl ready to face unexpected challenges. The opening of the book introduces Kit in her observational role, sitting in the cupola room with a watchful eye over the precious huckleberry patch. Excitement brews as she spots a trespasser and promptly devises a plan with Shad, a farmhand, to catch him. Their antics lead to a comical misidentification of the culprit, transitioning from a simple berry theft to a mistaken capture of a charming newcomer. This sequence not only highlights Kit’s spirited determination but also sets up the dynamic of her relationships with the people in her life, foreshadowing the adventures and developments that are to follow as the story unfolds. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Kit of Greenacre Farm
By Izola L. (Izola Louise) Forrester
"Kit of Greenacre Farm" by Izola L. Forrester is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around a young girl named Kit Robbins, ...
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About the Author
Izola Forrester was an American author who was born Izola Louise Wallingford.
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