"The Scarlet Banner" by Felix Dahn is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative delves into the tumultuous period of conflict between the Vandals and the Romans, with a particular focus on the land of North Africa and the political turmoil surrounding the Vandal kingdom. The primary characters include Gelimer, the rightful heir to the Vandal throne, his brother Zazo, and Hilda, a fierce Ostrogoth princess, set against a backdrop of internal strife and external military threats. The beginning of "The Scarlet Banner" introduces the complex political intrigue and the personal relationships among the Vandals and Romans. The story opens with Gelimer contemplating his uncertain position, reflecting on a recent war declaration against the Vandals, while references to past conquests and alliances set the tone for the stakes involved. As Gelimer navigates the treacherous landscape of allegiance and betrayal, the dynamics between him and various characters such as King Hilderic and the wily Arian priest Verus create a rich narrative fabric. Through vivid descriptions, Dahn showcases not only the characters' struggles but also the cultural and societal tensions that define this period in history. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Scarlet Banner
By Felix Dahn
"The Scarlet Banner" by Felix Dahn is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative delves into the tumultuous period of conflic...
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About the Author
Felix Ludwig Julius Dahn was a German law professor and nationalist author, poet and historian.
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