"Way Down East" by Joseph R. Grismer is a romantic novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around Anna Moore, a young woman from a once-prominent family who faces the harsh realities of poverty after her father's failure. As she navigates her new life and the complexities of love, particularly regarding Lennox Sanderson, a wealthy young man, Anna's journey is one of resilience amidst societal expectations and personal tragedy. The opening of the novel introduces the excitement surrounding a Harvard versus Yale football game, reflecting the social dynamics of the time. Anna is introduced in the context of Mrs. Standish Tremont's social circle, where she is both a source of admiration and an object of jealousy due to her beauty and charm. The tension builds as Anna connects with Lennox Sanderson, who becomes a pivotal figure in her life, igniting her hopes and dreams while simultaneously posing potential threats to her future. The narrative opens the door to themes of love, class struggles, and the complexities of female identity during a transformative period in American society. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
'Way Down East A Romance of New England Life
By Joseph Rhode Grismer
"Way Down East" by Joseph R. Grismer is a romantic novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around Anna Moore, a young woman from a ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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