"Bosom Friends: A Seaside Story" by Angela Brazil is a fictional novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story begins by introducing Isobel Stewart, a thoughtful young girl who travels with her mother to the seaside town of Silversands, where they aim to enjoy a holiday by the sea. As is typical in Brazil's works, the novel explores themes of friendship and childhood adventures against a picturesque backdrop. The opening of the story captures the bustling atmosphere of Tiverton Junction as Isobel and her mother embark on their journey. We see Isobel's keen observations of the various characters around her, hinting at her gentle nature and curiosity. Upon arriving in Silversands, Isobel quickly expresses a desire to explore her new surroundings amid a lively setting filled with local color. Through her encounters, particularly with Belle Stuart, another young traveler, the groundwork is laid for a burgeoning friendship that promises to bring delightful seaside adventures as they navigate the challenges and joys of childhood together. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Bosom Friends: A Seaside Story
By Angela Brazil
"Bosom Friends: A Seaside Story" by Angela Brazil is a fictional novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story begins by introducing Isobe...
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About the Author
Angela Brazil was one of the first British writers of "modern schoolgirls' stories", written from the characters' point of view and intended primarily as entertainment rather than moral instruction. In the first half of the 20th century she published nearly 50 books of girls' fiction, the vast majority being boarding school stories. She also published numerous short stories in magazines.
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