"Dorymates: A Tale of the Fishing Banks" by Kirk Munroe is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the adventures of a young boy named Breeze McCloud, who is discovered as a baby floating in a cask at sea by the crew of a fishing schooner. Raised with love by Captain McCloud and his wife, Breeze grows up eager to follow in his father's footsteps and embark on his own nautical adventures. The opening of the book introduces readers to a perilous moment as the Gloucester fishing schooner, "Sea Robin", navigates a bleak sea after a poor fishing trip. The crew, dispirited by their scant catch, unexpectedly discovers wreckage from a burning vessel, only to hear the cries of a baby emanating from a floating cask. The captain bravely retrieves the child, who is promptly adopted and named Breeze McCloud. This dramatic rescue sets the stage for Breeze's blossoming life at sea, filled with excitement and challenges as he matures into the world of fishers and sailors. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Dorymates: A Tale of the Fishing Banks
By Kirk Munroe
"Dorymates: A Tale of the Fishing Banks" by Kirk Munroe is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the adventures of a you...
Kirk Munroe was an American writer and conservationist.
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