"The Madness of Mr. Lister" by W. W. Jacobs is a short story written during the early 20th century. The book explores the comedic yet tragic character of Jem Lister, an aging seaman grappling with his vices of heavy drinking and miserly behavior. The narrative illustrates Lister's internal struggles and his relationships with his fellow crew members aboard a ship, while examining themes of friendship, folly, and the absurdity of human nature. The story revolves around Jem Lister, who, after facing ridicule from his shipmates for his penny-pinching and drinking habits, begins to reform somewhat through an unexpected friendship with a new cook. The cook's admiration for Lister’s frugality leads to the revelation of a will in which Lister leaves his fortune to him. As their bond strengthens, the cook’s unease about Lister's declining health grows, leading to a darkly humorous proposal of assisted demise that spirals into chaos when Lister is mistakenly believed to be mad. The narrative reaches a comedic climax as the cook attempts to retrieve Lister from the captain's quarters, resulting in a series of misunderstandings that highlight both the absurdity of the situation and the depth of their unexpected camaraderie. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Madness of Mr. Lister Captains All, Book 9.
By W. W. (William Wymark) Jacobs
"The Madness of Mr. Lister" by W. W. Jacobs is a short story written during the early 20th century. The book explores the comedic yet tragic character...
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About the Author
William Wymark Jacobs was an English author of short fiction and drama. He is best known for his story "The Monkey's Paw".
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