"Captain Jim" by Mary Grant Bruce is a novel written in the early 20th century, likely during the years following World War I. The story revolves around Jim Linton, Wally Meadows, and Norah Linton, who are grappling with the legacy left to them by their friend, John O’Neill, after his death in battle. O'Neill's legacy includes a property in Surrey, which they plan to turn into a haven for soldiers returning from the war, offering them a sense of home and belonging. The opening of the novel introduces the characters as they discuss O'Neill’s poignant letter recounting his friendship with them and expressing his hopes for the house to be used for a noble purpose. As they navigate their grief over O'Neill's passing, the three friends—along with Jim's father—explore the possibilities of transforming the inherited estate into a convalescent home for restored soldiers, touching on themes of loss, camaraderie, and the desire to contribute positively in their post-war reality. This opening sets the stage for their venture, hinting at the challenges and growth they will face as they settle into their new lives and responsibilities. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Captain Jim
By Mary Grant Bruce
"Captain Jim" by Mary Grant Bruce is a novel written in the early 20th century, likely during the years following World War I. The story revolves arou...
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About the Author
Mary Grant Bruce, also known as Minnie Bruce, was an Australian children's author and journalist. While all her thirty-seven books enjoyed popular success in Australia and overseas, particularly in the United Kingdom, she was most famous for the Billabong series, focussing on the adventures of the Linton family on Billabong Station in Victoria and in England and Ireland during World War I.
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