"The Prodigal Judge" by Vaughan Kester is a novel written during the late 19th century. The story begins with the death of General Quintard, the last of his line, whose life was marked by isolation and neglect. The narrative revolves around themes of inheritance, personal struggles, and the curiosity of the community regarding the general's reclusive existence and his young ward, Hannibal Wayne Hazard, who was left behind amidst secrets and unanswered questions surrounding his background. At the start of this work, we are introduced to the somber atmosphere surrounding the funeral of General Quintard. The old general, who had isolated himself from society for decades, is mourned only by a few old slaves and local townsfolk who hardly knew him. Meanwhile, two men—Jonathan Crenshaw, a businessman, and Bladen, a lawyer—discuss the general’s fading estate and the boy Hannibal, who was mysteriously deposited at his home by a woman long ago. As they delve into the legacy of the general and the implications of the boy's presence, we see glimpses of the tight-knit yet judgmental community. The opening sets the stage for conflicts related to ownership and guardianship over Hannibal, foreshadowing the struggles that will impact their lives as the story unfolds. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Prodigal Judge
By Vaughan Kester
"The Prodigal Judge" by Vaughan Kester is a novel written during the late 19th century. The story begins with the death of General Quintard, the last ...
Vaughan or Vaughn Kester was an American novelist and journalist.
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