"The Man in the Twilight" by Ridgwell Cullum is a novel written during the early 20th century. It revolves around a tense narrative set in the early development of a wood-pulp mill in Labrador, focusing on the lives of Leslie Standing and his friend Bat Harker as they confront dangers posed by a powerful adversary, Hellbeam, after Standing's dramatic past comes back to haunt him. The tension escalates with conflicting motivations and the looming threat of retribution, all while Standing's dreams for the future are challenged by unprecedented personal tragedy. At the start of the book, we are introduced to Bat Marker and Leslie Standing, who are discussing an urgent warning concerning Nathaniel Hellbeam, a wealthy and ruthless figure from Standing's past. As Bat expresses his concern about the imminent danger Hellbeam poses, Standing displays a calm demeanor that hints at his philosophical nature, battling deep internal fears. The conversation reveals their shared history, the mill they built together, and the challenges they anticipate as forces conspire against them. The stakes rise as they prepare for conflict, foreshadowing a fight not just for their livelihood, but ultimately a personal battle for Standing to protect everything he has built—both in business and in life. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Man in the Twilight
By Ridgwell Cullum
"The Man in the Twilight" by Ridgwell Cullum is a novel written during the early 20th century. It revolves around a tense narrative set in the early d...
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About the Author
Ridgwell Cullum was a British writer who wrote a large number of adventure novels over more than 30 years, usually set in sparsely populated regions of the United States or Canada.
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