"The Boy Inventors' Electric Hydroaeroplane" by Richard Bonner is a fictional adventure novel written in the early 20th century. This narrative follows the exploits of Ned Nevins, a young boy determined to pursue his late uncle's dream of creating a revolutionary electric hydroaeroplane, a craft meant to traverse both air and water. As Ned navigates challenges and encounters along the way, he seeks to connect with the renowned Boy Inventors, Jack Chadwick and Tom Jesson, who are integral to bringing his uncle's invention to fruition. At the start of the book, Ned arrives at the workshop of the Boy Inventors, seeking their help to validate and possibly manufacture his uncle's plans for the electric hydroaeroplane. However, he faces hostility from a bully named Sam Hinkley, who initially belittles Ned's intentions. Despite this, Ned manages to impress Jack Chadwick and Tom Jesson with his tenacity and the promise of his uncle's design, eventually gaining their support to embark on building the hydroaeroplane. The opening sets the stage for adventure, innovation, and the thrill of young inventors coming together, promising an engaging read for those who enjoy stories of invention and ingenuity. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Boy Inventors' Electric Hydroaeroplane
By Richard Bonner
"The Boy Inventors' Electric Hydroaeroplane" by Richard Bonner is a fictional adventure novel written in the early 20th century. This narrative follow...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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