"Willis the Pilot: A Sequel to the Swiss Family Robinson" by Adrien Paul is a novel written in the late 19th century. It serves as a continuation of the beloved tale of the Swiss Family Robinson, following the adventures of the family after their initial survival on a deserted island. The narrative primarily focuses on the lives of Becker and his family, the Wolstons, and the titular character, Willis the Pilot, as they navigate the challenges and discoveries of life on an uncharted coast in the Pacific Ocean. The beginning of the story delves into the years following the initial events of "Swiss Family Robinson," where we learn that the family has established a thriving settlement. The arrival of the English sloop "Nelson" brings with it a renewed hope for communication with their homeland, igniting dreams of reconnecting with civilization. As the weather turns treacherous, Willis's determination to assist the crew on the "Nelson" leads him to take risks that put him at odds with the others. The opening not only introduces key characters like Willis, Becker, and the Wolstons but also sets the stage for themes of adventure, survival, and the complexities of human relationships amid the backdrop of nature. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Willis the Pilot : A Sequel to the Swiss Family Robinson Or, Adventures of an Emigrant Family Wrecked on an Unknown Coast of the Pacific Ocean
By Adrien Paul
"Willis the Pilot: A Sequel to the Swiss Family Robinson" by Adrien Paul is a novel written in the late 19th century. It serves as a continuation of t...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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