"The Precipice" by Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov is a novel likely written in the mid-19th century, set against the backdrop of Russian society. The book revolves around the life of the main character, Boris Pavlovich Raisky, who is portrayed as a charming but discontented man struggling with his aspirations and personal identity, exploring themes of artistic ambition and the conflicts between societal expectations and individual desires. The opening of the novel introduces Raisky, who is characterized by a complex blend of youthful exuberance and weariness from life’s disappointments. Despite his intelligence and artistic inclinations, he grapples with feelings of idleness and unfulfilled potential, as childhood memories and relationships with those around him shape his disillusionment. As he returns to his aunt's estate by the Volga River after years away, he is confronted with memories of a past filled with beauty, traditions, and turbulence. The narrative sets the stage for Raisky's internal struggles with familial ties, societal duties, and his quest for personal meaning as he navigates through his relationships with his aunt Tatiana and his younger cousins, Veroshka and Marfinka. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Precipice
By Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov
This text is condensed from the original.
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About the Author
Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov was a Russian novelist best known for his novels The Same Old Story, Oblomov (1859), and The Precipice. He also served in many official capacities, including the position of censor.
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