"Quaint Korea" by Louise Jordan Miln is a travel narrative written in the late 19th century. The book explores the culture, customs, and daily life of Korea as observed by the author, who accompanied her husband (referred to as Mr. Q.) and their party on a journey to the kingdom during a time of pivotal change and conflict in East Asia. Through her observations, Miln offers readers insights into both the idiosyncrasies of Korean society and the political dynamics of the region, along with reflections on the nature of cultural exchange. At the start of the narrative, we are introduced to Mrs. Q., the spoiled wife of an Englishman, traveling in a Chinese junk bound for Korea, along with their companion, a Chinese mandarin, and a young man named John Stewart-Leigh. As they embark on their journey to Korea, the opening chapters provide glimpses of their awkward interactions, showcasing their linguistic barriers and cultural differences. The narrative quickly sets the stage for a detailed exploration of Korea’s distinct customs and lifestyle, richly infused with both humor and poignant reflections on the ongoing influences of Western civilization on traditional societies. The early chapters suggest that readers can expect an engaging mix of personal anecdote, cultural commentary, and historical context as Miln delves deeper into her experience in the "land of the morning calm". (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Quaint Korea
By Louise Jordan Miln
"Quaint Korea" by Louise Jordan Miln is a travel narrative written in the late 19th century. The book explores the culture, customs, and daily life of...
Louise Jordan Miln was an American actress, writer and novelist.
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