"Joe Strong the Boy Fire-Eater; Or, The Most Dangerous Performance on Record" by Vance Barnum is a children's adventure novel published in the early 20th century. The story features Joe Strong, a young magician and circus performer, who embarks on a series of thrilling and suspenseful experiences, primarily centered around his spectacular feats and the challenges he faces in the circus environment. The novel explores themes of bravery, performance art, and the dynamics of life under the big top. The opening of the book sets the stage for a magic trick involving the vanishing of Joe's fiancée, Helen Morton, during a circus performance. As Joe prepares to perform the trick, nervous tension builds not only from their dynamic but also from the anticipation of a larger circus event. The act goes well, delighting the audience, but things take a dangerous turn when an announcement is made that a tiger has escaped nearby. This opens the door to a series of events that challenge Joe's skills and courage, signaling that his adventures will involve not just magical prowess, but also impending danger within the thrilling world of the circus. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Joe Strong the Boy Fire-Eater; Or, The Most Dangerous Performance on Record
By Vance Barnum
"Joe Strong the Boy Fire-Eater; Or, The Most Dangerous Performance on Record" by Vance Barnum is a children's adventure novel published in the early 2...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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