"Lovey Mary" by Alice Caldwell Hegan Rice is a novel written during the early 20th century. The story revolves around the struggles and aspirations of a young girl named Lovey Mary, who grapples with feelings of inadequacy and yearns for love and acceptance while navigating her life in an orphanage. Lovey Mary's character is richly layered, depicted as both rebellious and compassionate, seeking to find her place in a world that often seems unkind. At the start of the novel, readers are introduced to Lovey Mary as she engages in a comedic yet poignant interaction with Miss Bell, the matron of the orphanage, illustrating her chaotic inner world. The opening chapter showcases her contradictions—her desire for beauty and acceptance against the harsh realities of her upbringing. Lovey’s longing for connection is further emphasized when she is tasked with caring for a baby, Tommy, which ignites a fierce protective instinct within her. As Lovey Mary faces various trials—her disdain for her appearance, her resentment toward the orphanage, and her fierce love for Tommy—the narrative sets a tone of both vulnerability and resilience, engaging readers in her quest for identity and belonging. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Lovey Mary
By Alice Caldwell Hegan Rice
"Lovey Mary" by Alice Caldwell Hegan Rice is a novel written during the early 20th century. The story revolves around the struggles and aspirations of...
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About the Author
Alice Hegan Rice, also known as Alice Caldwell Hegan, was an American novelist. Her 1901 novel Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch became a play and four films.
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