"An Ethical Philosophy of Life" by Felix Adler is a philosophical treatise written in the early 20th century. The work explores ethical principles drawn from the author's personal experiences and reflections, addressing topics such as the intrinsic worth of every individual, the nature of spirituality, and the implications for personal and social conduct. Adler's perspective is grounded in a critique of dogmatic beliefs, arguing for a more nuanced understanding of morality. At the start of this text, the author sets the stage for his philosophical exploration by presenting an autobiographical account of his moral development. He articulates the challenges of discussing ethics, emphasizing the deeply personal nature of ethical reflection and the struggle for self-esteem that often accompanies it. Through his early experiences, including interactions with different philosophical and religious frameworks, he lays out the foundations of his ethical beliefs, notably the idea that every human being holds intrinsic value. Adler aims to construct a thought system that emphasizes non-violation of the self and others, while also confronting the larger implications of his philosophy on social institutions and reform. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
An ethical philosophy of life presented in its main outlines
By Felix Adler
"An Ethical Philosophy of Life" by Felix Adler is a philosophical treatise written in the early 20th century. The work explores ethical principles dra...
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About the Author
Felix Adler was a German American professor of political and social ethics, rationalist, influential lecturer on euthanasia, religious leader and social reformer who founded the Ethical Culture movement.
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