"Summer Guests" by James H. Schmitz is a science fiction short story written in the late 1950s. The narrative revolves around Mel Armstrong, a disenchanted salesman who spends his annual vacation in Sweetwater Beach. The story explores themes of adventure and the extraordinary, as Mel discovers two tiny, humanoid beings with wings hidden in a bird box, leading to unexpected encounters that blend the mundane with the fantastical. As Mel navigates his newfound guests—Miss Green and her pregnant companion—he learns about their origins and the danger they face due to a storm. The story unfolds with Mel's attempts to protect the delicate creatures while grappling with his own thoughts about their otherworldly nature. Tension builds as he realizes he may not be the master of his actions, particularly when his neighbor, Maria, threatens to uncover his secret. The plot thickens with a climactic reveal of imminent danger, leading Mel to confront the duality of wonder and peril that comes with his unusual situation, ultimately leaving him with deep reflections on bravery, betrayal, and the unknown. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Summer Guests
By James H. Schmitz
"Summer Guests" by James H. Schmitz is a science fiction short story written in the late 1950s. The narrative revolves around Mel Armstrong, a disench...
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About the Author
James Henry Schmitz was a German-American science fiction writer.
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