James H. Schmitz
James Henry Schmitz was a German-American science fiction writer.
The Winds of Time
"The Winds of Time" by James H. Schmitz is a science fiction novel written during the early 1960s. The story revolves around a space charter crewed by...
By James H. Schmitz
The beacon to elsewhere
"The Beacon to Elsewhere" by James H. Schmitz is a science fiction novel written in the early 1960s. The story centers around a complex conspiracy inv...
By James H. Schmitz
Captives of the Thieve-Star
"Captives of the Thieve-Star" by James H. Schmitz is a science fiction novelet written in the early 1950s. The story follows the adventures of Channok...
By James H. Schmitz
Lion Loose
"Lion Loose" by James H. Schmitz is a science fiction novel written in the early 1960s. The story unfolds in a futuristic setting aboard the Seventh S...
By James H. Schmitz
The Other Likeness
"The Other Likeness" by James H. Schmitz is a science fiction novel likely written in the early 1960s. The story revolves around themes of identity, d...
By James H. Schmitz
Gone Fishing
"Gone Fishing" by James H. Schmitz is a science fiction short story published in the early 1960s. The narrative centers on themes of intelligence, eth...
By James H. Schmitz
The Star Hyacinths
"The Star Hyacinths" by James H. Schmitz is a science fiction novel written in the early 1960s. The story revolves around the aftermath of a grand hei...
By James H. Schmitz
Watch the Sky
"Watch the Sky" by James H. Schmitz is a science fiction novel written in the early 1960s. The book explores themes surrounding the complexities of co...
By James H. Schmitz
Summer Guests
"Summer Guests" by James H. Schmitz is a science fiction short story written in the late 1950s. The narrative revolves around Mel Armstrong, a disench...
By James H. Schmitz
Ham Sandwich
"Ham Sandwich" by James H. Schmitz is a science fiction short story published in the early 1960s. The narrative revolves around a group of students at...
By James H. Schmitz
"Novice" by James H. Schmitz is a science fiction novel written in the early 1960s. The story centers around the character Telzey Amberdon, a 15-year-...
By James H. Schmitz
"Legacy" by James H. Schmitz is a science fiction novel written in the late 20th century. The story centers around Trigger Argee, a young woman of rem...
By James H. Schmitz
Left hand, right hand
"Left Hand, Right Hand" by James H. Schmitz is a science fiction novel likely written during the early 1960s. The narrative revolves around themes of ...
By James H. Schmitz
Rogue psi
"Rogue Psi" by James H. Schmitz is a science fiction novel written during the early 1960s. The book explores the intersection of telepathy, advanced t...
By James H. Schmitz
"Oneness" by James H. Schmitz is a science fiction novella written in the early 1960s. The story is set in a future where Earth is governed by an orga...
By James H. Schmitz
An Incident on Route 12
"An Incident on Route 12" by James H. Schmitz is a science fiction short story written in the early 1960s. The narrative revolves around themes of cri...
By James H. Schmitz