"The Other Likeness" by James H. Schmitz is a science fiction novel likely written in the early 1960s. The story revolves around themes of identity, deception, and the struggle against a powerful oppressive regime, examining the limits of human capability and the consequences of advanced biotechnology. The main narrative focuses on a group of genetically engineered beings sent to infiltrate human society, who must confront their true nature and their mission's sinister implications. In this gripping tale, Dr. Halder Leorm, a member of the Kalechi group, engages in an elaborate escape from the Federation, which has begun to uncover a plot involving genetically engineered agents residing among humans. After being attacked in his home by a supposed assistant, Halder connects with his wife Kilby and fellow group members Rane and Santin, as they attempt to navigate the treacherous landscape of the Federation's security systems. Central to their plight is the discovery of their identities as part of a larger scheme designed by the Great Satogs to undermine human civilization. The narrative explores their harrowing journey as they confront capturing agents and grapple with their evolving self-awareness, ultimately raising profound questions about identity, freedom, and the ethics of scientific experimentation. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Other Likeness
By James H. Schmitz
"The Other Likeness" by James H. Schmitz is a science fiction novel likely written in the early 1960s. The story revolves around themes of identity, d...
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About the Author
James Henry Schmitz was a German-American science fiction writer.
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