"West of the Sun" by Edgar Pangborn is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. The story unfolds in a future where humans explore a newly discovered planet called Lucifer, which is teeming with life but is also filled with unknown dangers. The narrative centers around six human characters, including anthropologist Dr. Christopher Wright, whose belief in the goodness of humanity is tested by their encounters with alien species on this strange new world. The opening of the novel introduces readers to the crew of the spaceship "Argo" as they prepare to land on the red-green planet, Lucifer, in the year 2056 A.D., although the inhabitants refer to it as "Year One." Each of the six characters is distinct: Paul Mason shares his wife with his friend, Dorothy Leeds, and faces his own emotional turmoil; Sears Oliphant, the gentle scientist, seeks to understand his alien counterparts; along with the others, they grapple with the challenges of survival in an unfamiliar environment. As their ship descends, the dynamics among the crew highlight their hopes, fears, and the philosophical dilemmas they face when encountering new forms of life, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of humanity's capacity for companionship and conflict amidst chaos and danger. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
West of the sun
By Edgar Pangborn
"West of the Sun" by Edgar Pangborn is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. The story unfolds in a future where humans explore a n...
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About the Author
Edgar Pangborn was an American writer of mystery, historical, and science fiction.
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