"Josie O’Gorman" by Edith Van Dyne is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the character Josie O'Gorman, a clever girl detective with an unusual appearance that aids her in her investigative endeavors. As she engages in a range of activities through her business, the Higgledy Piggledy Shop, Josie finds herself embroiled in various mysteries and adventures, including the plight of Ursula Ellett, whose younger brother Philip has recently gone missing. At the start of the narrative, readers are introduced to Josie and her companions, who run their unique shop filled with various goods and services. The opening chapters establish Josie's quirky charm as she grapples with her physical appearance and her newfound ability to alter her look, which becomes invaluable for her detective work. Shortly into the story, the tension escalates with the revelation that Philip Ellett has vanished, prompting Josie to take charge of the situation. As details unfold, readers see Josie's resourcefulness and the deepening mystery surrounding Philip's disappearance, entwined with Ursula's troubled past and her unscrupulous stepfather, Mr. Cheatham. The elements of humor, friendship, and a dash of suspense make this novel an engaging read for those who enjoy light-hearted detective tales. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Josie O'Gorman
By Emma Speed Sampson
"Josie O’Gorman" by Edith Van Dyne is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the character Josie O'Gorman, a clever girl...
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About the Author
Emma Speed Sampson, was an American author of juvenile fiction and a movie censor.
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