"The Serpent River" by Don Wilcox is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. The story unfolds in a distant world where human-like beings, known as the Benzendellas, live alongside a mysterious, serpentine entity referred to as the Kao-Wagwattl, or the "serpent river." The narrative follows two explorers from Earth, Captain Linden and his aide Split Campbell, who land on this strange planet to uncover the secrets of the enigmatic river and its significance to the local inhabitants. The plot centers around the adventures and challenges faced by Linden and Campbell as they navigate the complexities of Benzendella society. Upon their arrival, they witness a ritual interrupted by an attack from hostile warriors, which they prevent with the ship's siren, establishing themselves as protectors of the Benzendellas. During Linden's recovery from an injury, he develops a bond with Vauna, the daughter of the Benzendella leader, Tomboldo. The societal customs, including a unique method of reproduction that the Benzendellas practice, complicate the narrative. As relationships deepen and political tensions arise, Linden discovers that true understanding between cultures involves navigating both affection and duty amid the overarching influence of the EGGWE code, which governs their interactions. Ultimately, the explorers must decide the fates of their friendships and futures in this new world. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Serpent River
By Don Wilcox
"The Serpent River" by Don Wilcox is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. The story unfolds in a distant world where human-like be...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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