"Narrative of the Battle of Cowan's Ford, February 1st, 1781" by Henry and Vance is a historical account written in the late 19th century. The book details the events surrounding a pivotal skirmish during the American Revolutionary War when British forces led by Cornwallis attempted to cross the Catawba River at Cowan's Ford. The narrative is primarily focused on the tactical maneuvers and experiences of American militia members facing the British troops, reflecting on the broader implications of the battle for the war effort. The narrative provides a first-hand account of the battle from the perspectives of Robert Henry and Captain David Vance, who were both involved in the conflict. They meticulously analyze and correct inaccuracies presented in earlier histories of the event, emphasizing the discrepancies in casualty figures and command actions. The text recounts the tense moments leading up to the confrontation, the chaos of battle, and the aftermath, including reflections on the casualties suffered by both sides. Through their detailed descriptions, Henry and Vance highlight the bravery and challenges faced by the American forces, and the significant impact of the battle on the Revolutionary War's progress. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Narrative of the Battle of Cowan's Ford, February 1st, 1781 and Narrative of the Battle of Kings Mountain
By Robert Henry
"Narrative of the Battle of Cowan's Ford, February 1st, 1781" by Henry and Vance is a historical account written in the late 19th century. The book de...
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