"Nine Unlikely Tales" by E. Nesbit is a collection of whimsical short stories written in the late 19th century. The tales explore fantastical situations and curious characters, blending humor and fantasy in a manner characteristic of Nesbit's writing. The collection begins with the story of Matilda, a little girl who finds herself in absurd circumstances, revealing her imaginative inner world and the mischief that ensues when her plans are disrupted. At the start of the book, Matilda is preparing for an uncomfortable visit to her Great-aunt Willoughby, plagued by societal norms of cleanliness and decorum imposed by her nursemaid, Pridmore. However, instead of reaching the expected destination, a wrong omnibus takes them to a charming yet peculiar village where everything is oddly mismatched. In this new setting, Matilda encounters a beautifully dressed yet enchanted king, a princess who embodies an exaggerated thinness, and a comically transformed Pridmore, leading to a series of absurd adventures driven by an enchantingly mischievous giant bird known as the Cockatoucan. The opening portion sets the tone for a delightful exploration of imagination, defiance against conventionality, and the unpredictability of destiny. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Nine Unlikely Tales
By E. (Edith) Nesbit
"Nine Unlikely Tales" by E. Nesbit is a collection of whimsical short stories written in the late 19th century. The tales explore fantastical situatio...
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About the Author
Edith Nesbit was an English writer and poet, who published her books for children as E. Nesbit. She wrote or collaborated on more than 60 such books. She was also a political activist and co-founder of the Fabian Society, a socialist organisation later affiliated to the Labour Party.
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