"The Great White Hand; Or, the Tiger of Cawnpore: A story of the Indian Mutiny" by J. E. Muddock is a historical novel likely written in the late 19th century. The book centers around the events of the Indian Mutiny, highlighting the tensions between British colonists and native soldiers in India. Major characters include Walter Gordon, a young Englishman, and Flora Meredith, his betrothed, who find themselves caught up in the chaos of rebellion and betrayal." "The opening of the novel sets a dark and foreboding atmosphere as it depicts the early morning of May 9, 1857, in Meerut, just before the eruption of violence known as the Indian Mutiny. The narrative describes the stir and tension among the soldiers as they deal with mutinous native troops. Flora expresses her fears about the rising discontent of the natives, which Walter dismisses, reflecting the deepening ignorance of the English towards the brewing storm. As the characters learn more about the dangerous atmosphere around them, the tension escalates with Jewan Bukht, a native clerk, revealing the imminent threat of revolt. This portion effectively establishes the characters’ relationships and foreshadows the unfolding tragedy of the mutiny, hinting at the personal and collective conflicts that lie ahead." (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Great White Hand; Or, the Tiger of Cawnpore: A story of the Indian Mutiny
By J. E. (Joyce Emmerson) Muddock
"The Great White Hand; Or, the Tiger of Cawnpore: A story of the Indian Mutiny" by J. E. Muddock is a historical novel likely written in the late 19th...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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