"Children of the Cliff" by Belle Wiley and Grace Willard Edick is a children's novel written in the early 20th century. The book tells the story of two young siblings, Teni and Mavo, who live in a dry, rocky landscape and find themselves lost while exploring their surroundings. The narrative delves into themes of adventure, family, and navigating challenges in a natural setting. The story unfolds as Teni and Mavo, after wandering away from their home in search of rabbits, wake up to find themselves lost in the wilderness. As they attempt to return, they encounter various dangers, including a group of hostile Indians. Fortunately, they are rescued by a kind cliff dweller named Demino, who brings them to his home and offers them shelter and food. Throughout their adventure, the children discover new friendships, learn about the cliff people's way of life, and ultimately reunite with their parents. The tale captures the tension of sibling love and the importance of courage, ultimately conveying a heartwarming message about family bonds and the comforts of home. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Children of the Cliff
By Belle Wiley
"Children of the Cliff" by Belle Wiley and Grace Willard Edick is a children's novel written in the early 20th century. The book tells the story of tw...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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