"A Girton Girl" by Annie Edwardes is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story begins with a discussion among three friends under the limes in Guernsey, setting up a complex triangle of relationships that delves into themes of love, ambition, and societal expectations, particularly regarding women's roles in that era. The opening of the book sets the scene with characters enjoying a summer breakfast while engaging in light conversation about a young woman named Marjorie Bartrand who is seeking a tutor to help her prepare for Girton College. This introduces the character of Geoffrey Arbuthnot, who is contemplating the implications of coaching Marjorie while reckoning with his own feelings for Dinah, his wife. There is a sense of humor woven through the dialogue, punctuated by both Gaston Arbuthnot’s playful cynicism and Dinah’s earnestness, highlighting the paradox of their relationships and the tension surrounding gender roles and expectations at the time. The narrative hints at deeper themes of unfulfilled love and the constraints of societal norms that will unfold throughout the story. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Girton Girl
By Annie Edwards
"A Girton Girl" by Annie Edwardes is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story begins with a discussion among three friends under the limes ...
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About the Author
Annie Edwards, also known as Annie Edwardes, was a popular English novelist in the Victorian era. Three of her 21 books were adapted for the theatre. Perhaps her best-known work is her 1866 novel, Archie Lovell, which the playwright F. C. Burnand adapted in 1874.
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