"A Minion of the Moon: A Romance of the King's Highway" by T. W. Speight is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story unfolds against the backdrop of the North of England, particularly around the notable King's Highway, and involves themes of romance, adventure, and societal constraints of the time. The narrative introduces several key characters, most notably a cunning highwayman known as Captain Nightshade, a runaway couple, Captain Pascoe and Miss Dulcie Peyton, and a variety of intriguing supporting characters that enrich the drama of love and pursuit. At the start of the novel, the focus is on the tumultuous escape of a young couple, Dulcie and Captain Pascoe, from the clutches of her tyrannical guardian, Sir Peter Warrendale. Their flight to Gretna Green is daringly aided by a masked highwayman, who, instead of robbing them, offers them assistance when their horse goes lame. This unexpected twist sets a thrilling tone, as the highwayman aims to help the lovers evade capture, all while intertwining fate and chance on the windswept roads under the moonlight. The opening sets the stage for an adventure filled with romance, intrigue, and the complexities of human relationships bound by societal expectations. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Minion of the Moon: A Romance of the King's Highway
By T. W. (Thomas Wilkinson) Speight
"A Minion of the Moon: A Romance of the King's Highway" by T. W. Speight is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story unfolds against the ba...
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