"Amusements in Mathematics" by Henry Ernest Dudeney is a collection of mathematical puzzles and problems written in the early 20th century. This engaging work aims to entertain readers while stimulating their mathematical reasoning and logic skills through a variety of intriguing puzzles, ranging from arithmetic and algebra to geometry and logic. The opening of the book provides context on the puzzles’ approach and serves as a prelude to the content that follows. Dudeney emphasizes the universal nature of puzzles, suggesting that everyone engages in problem-solving throughout their daily lives, often unconsciously applying logical thinking. He intends to keep the tone light and enjoyable, allowing readers of all levels to participate in the fun while presenting an array of puzzles, including those involving money, age, kinship, and more. Each puzzle invites the reader to think critically and creatively, often with the promise of discovering surprising insights along the way. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Amusements in Mathematics
By Henry Ernest Dudeney
"Amusements in Mathematics" by Henry Ernest Dudeney is a collection of mathematical puzzles and problems written in the early 20th century. This engag...
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About the Author
Henry Ernest Dudeney was an English author and mathematician who specialised in logic puzzles and mathematical games. He is known as one of the country's foremost creators of mathematical puzzles.
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