"The Invader: A Novel" by Margaret L. Woods is a fiction work written in the early 20th century. The story centers around Mildred Flaxman, a young scholar at Oxford, who faces personal and academic challenges while navigating her relationships with various characters, including Ian Stewart and Mr. Toovey. The narrative weaves themes of ambition, identity, and the complexities of love against the backdrop of Oxford’s social and academic life. At the start of the novel, we are introduced to a gathering at Professor Fletcher's home, where a portrait of Lady Hammerton intrigues guest discussions. Amidst lighthearted banter, the focus shifts to Mildred, who is depicted as an earnest student struggling with the pressures of her forthcoming examinations and her feelings for Stewart. As she grapples with expectations and her own self-worth, her interactions highlight her growing emotional turmoil, leading to a personal crisis that results in a temporary loss of memory. This opening sets the stage for an exploration of Mildred's character development as she seeks to reclaim her identity and place in the world of academic rigor and romantic entanglement. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Invader: A Novel
By Margaret L. (Margaret Louisa) Woods
"The Invader: A Novel" by Margaret L. Woods is a fiction work written in the early 20th century. The story centers around Mildred Flaxman, a young sch...
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About the Author
Margaret Louisa Woods was an English writer, known for novels and for her lyrical and socially conscious poetry.
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