"Green Spring Farm, Fairfax County, Virginia" by Ross and Nan Netherton is a historical account written in the late 20th century. This detailed examination chronicles the life and evolution of Green Spring Farm, focusing on its agricultural history and the families that lived there over several centuries. The book illustrates how the farm reflects broader changes in farming practices and social structures within the region, offering insights into the lives of its notable residents. The opening of the text sets the stage by establishing the historical significance of Green Spring Farm in Fairfax County. It outlines the connection between the land and the prosperity experienced by its early owners, particularly the Moss family, who played pivotal roles in the evolution of agriculture in Northern Virginia. The authors emphasize the farm's agricultural heritage, detailing its transition through various ownerships, including its operations during the War for Independence and the Civil War, as well as the adaptation of farming practices over time. The narrative begins to introduce characters like John Moss and Fountain Beattie, hinting at their influence on both the farm and the local community. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Green Spring Farm, Fairfax County, Virginia
By Ross De Witt Netherton
"Green Spring Farm, Fairfax County, Virginia" by Ross and Nan Netherton is a historical account written in the late 20th century. This detailed examin...
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