"Quaker Idyls" by Sarah M. H. Gardner is a collection of short stories written in the late 19th century. This work explores Quaker life and values through various narratives, potentially centering on themes of community, morality, and personal relationships. The characters depicted, such as Cassy Wilson and George Evans, are likely to represent the complexity of human emotions and dilemmas within the framework of Quaker tradition. The opening of the collection introduces readers to Cassy and her family as they attend a meeting in Philadelphia. The serene atmosphere of the Quaker community is vividly portrayed, emphasizing principles of peace and reflection. Cassy’s internal struggle during the sermon illustrates a tension between her spiritual aspirations and her feelings for George, highlighting the dichotomy between personal desire and communal expectations. The narrative captures Cassy's desire for purity in her faith amidst her blossoming affection, inviting readers into an introspective examination of love and piety in a Quaker context. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Quaker idyls
By Sarah M. H. Gardner
"Quaker Idyls" by Sarah M. H. Gardner is a collection of short stories written in the late 19th century. This work explores Quaker life and values thr...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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