"Life Is a Dream" by Pedro Calderón de la Barca is a philosophical play written during the early 17th century. This classic work delves into profound themes of reality, fate, and free will, as it alternates between dreamy illusions and stark realities. The central character is Segismund, the Prince of Poland, who is imprisoned and raised in isolation due to prophetic omens surrounding his birth, which suggest he might become a tyrant. The opening of "Life Is a Dream" sets a dramatic tone, introducing Rosaura, a lady from Muscovy disguised as a man, along with her attendant Fife, who are both navigating a tumultuous landscape. Rosaura speaks with passion and determination about matters of revenge, hinting at a backstory steeped in vengeance. As they venture further into Poland, they encounter Segismund, who has recently been awakened from a deep sleep following an artistic and philosophical treatment of his troubled fate. Segismund's confusion upon awakening in a palace instead of the tower where he was imprisoned raises questions about identity, the nature of dreams versus reality, and human aspirations. This lays the groundwork for the exploration of whether life itself is merely a dream, posing questions that resonate throughout the play. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Life Is a Dream
By Pedro Calderón de la Barca
See also PG#6363 tr. by Denis Florence MacCarthy
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About the Author
Pedro Calderón de la Barca was a Spanish dramatist, poet, and writer. He is known as one of the most distinguished poets and writers of the Spanish Golden Age, especially for the many verse dramas he wrote for the theatre. Calderón has been termed "the Spanish Shakespeare", the national poet of Spain, and one of the greatest poets and playwrights in the history of world literature.
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