"New Hire" by Dave Dryfoos is a science fiction story written in the early 21st century. The narrative follows Boswell W. Budge, a man grappling with the societal expectations that come with turning forty, marking a significant shift in his life as he must transition from a life of leisure to employment. The book explores themes of work, aging, and societal norms in a futuristic setting. The plot centers on Bozzy, who, on the pivotal morning of his 40th birthday, prepares to take over a job from an older colleague, Mr. Kojac. As he navigates his feelings of dread and reluctance about entering the workforce, his interactions with his family and colleagues reveal a comedic yet poignant perspective on societal pressures. After a ceremonial passing of roles, Bozzy ultimately confronts the reality of his new responsibilities and the absurdity of his situation, culminating in a darkly humorous ending that highlights the underlying tensions about aging and the lifecycle of work in their advanced society. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
New Hire
By Dave Dryfoos
"New Hire" by Dave Dryfoos is a science fiction story written in the early 21st century. The narrative follows Boswell W. Budge, a man grappling with ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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