"Mummery: A Tale of Three Idealists" by Gilbert Cannan is a novel written in the early 20th century. Set against the backdrop of early 1900s London, the story follows the lives of Charles Mann, a sensitive artist, and his determined companion, Clara Day, as they navigate their aspirations, relationships, and the challenges of the artistic world. The novel explores themes of ambition, love, and the clashes between personal ideals and societal expectations, as both characters strive for recognition and success amidst the complexities of their new environment. The opening of the book introduces us to Charles Mann and Clara Day as they arrive in London, filled with contrasting perspectives. Charles, a gifted but insecure artist, is immediately critical of the bustling city, while Clara embodies youthful optimism and a resolve to help him succeed. As they settle into their new life, Clara seeks to awaken Charles's artistic potential, but their differences in ambition and character begin to surface. The narrative captures the tension between their idealistic dreams and the harsh realities of the artistic landscape, setting the stage for a story rich in emotional depth and the exploration of their unconventional relationship. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Mummery: A Tale of Three Idealists
By Gilbert Cannan
"Mummery: A Tale of Three Idealists" by Gilbert Cannan is a novel written in the early 20th century. Set against the backdrop of early 1900s London, t...
Gilbert Eric Cannan was a British novelist and dramatist.
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