"Reign of the Telepuppets" by Daniel F. Galouye is a science fiction novel written in the early 1960s. The story revolves around a team from the Bureau of Interstellar Exploration who embark on a crucial mission involving robotic entities known as telepuppets in distant galactic locations. Key characters introduced include Director Gabe Randall, Dave Stewart, and Carol Cummings, who face a mysterious challenge as they navigate the intersections of human and machine intelligence amidst expanding interstellar exploration. The opening of this narrative sets an intriguing stage where the Bureau of Interstellar Exploration is discussing a pivotal mission to assess the status of robotic teams known as telepuppets on a distant planet. Director Randall comments on the importance of the mission, while his team members share their skepticism over the personnel chosen. As the plot unfolds, the narrative alternates between the human characters preparing for their expedition and the perspective of Bigboss, a powerful telepuppet grappling with a nagging sense of superiority. The juxtaposition of human vulnerability and machine ambition hints at deeper themes of control, rebellion, and the complexities of intelligence within this evolving technological landscape, creating a rich context for the reader to anticipate the challenges that lie ahead. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Reign of the telepuppets
By Daniel F. Galouye
"Reign of the Telepuppets" by Daniel F. Galouye is a science fiction novel written in the early 1960s. The story revolves around a team from the Burea...
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About the Author
Daniel Francis Galouye was an American science fiction writer. During the 1950s and 1960s, he contributed novelettes and short stories to various digest size science fiction magazines, sometimes writing under the pseudonym Louis G. Daniels.
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