"The Four Corners in California" by Amy E. Blanchard is a children's novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows the adventures of the Corner family, particularly the four sisters — Nan, Mary Lee, Jean, and Jack — as they embark on a journey from their home to California. The narrative unfolds with their preparations for the trip, evoking themes of family bonds, exploration, and the excitement of new beginnings. At the start of the book, the scene is set with a bustling atmosphere in the Corner household as the sisters prepare to leave for California. We are introduced to their personalities through playful banter and minor mishaps, showcasing the dynamics of their family life. As they say goodbye to their home and friends, including their beloved pets, anticipation grows for the adventures that await them. They embark on their journey, filled with laughter and curiosity, hinting at the various escapades and encounters that will shape their experiences in a new land. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The four Corners in California
By Amy Ella Blanchard
"The Four Corners in California" by Amy E. Blanchard is a children's novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows the adventures of the ...
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About the Author
Amy Ella Blanchard was a prolific American writer of children's literature.
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